Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Disturbed - The Night

Alright!:D As I earlier posted this is the new post with the same band doing a different song. This is yet again a good song for amvs and it fits a lot of them. I really like the word choice of this song. This happens to be a song I would listen to as I read pride and prejudice. I know you'll all ask how I could read and listen to music at the same time. The answer is that it is done only partly. You see, because I know the song so well it means that I don't have to pay attention to it as well and just listen to the tune which I find very enjoyable. Well here is the song so you don't have to hear me ramble on about my utter stupidity any longer. EnjoyXD!
There is one thing I'd like to say about this song. For all of you who have read pride and prejudice you know that they use the word "felicity" A LOT. But this is the first song I have ever found that actually uses the word. Isn't it weird that just after you learn a word you suddenly hear all over the place. -_- I find the really weird, but an explanation, I guess, could be that you could hear the word before but substituted it for another word that you knew instead of what it really was. So, when you heard the word again it was just because you recognized it. :I I don't know. What do you think? I'd love to hear a comment on it. It would make you the nicest person in the world. Please comment. Is that enough groveling? Well hope you enjoyed the song.
Until next time, 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Disturbed - Indestructible

Hello again! I have another song for y'all, and just so ya know all of my songs (I think) are great for making amvs with. Also A WARNING to any who wish to listen to the song. IT'S LOUD!!!!!!!!!! O.k. :) so Here it is "Indestructible" by the band Disturbed.
So how'd y'all like the song? I'd love to here. XD. I love this song. XD! The rhythm is fantastic and I enjoy the word choice in the lyrics. And wait till my next post I'm gonna put up another song by Disturbed, but I can't say which one I like best.X] So enjoy the music!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Manowar - Sons of Odin

Hello! Sorry, sorry! I haven't blogged in FOREVER. Gomen,Gomen.(just wrote sorry in japanese). XD so glad to be back. Anyway the video I put up is one a new heavy metal sons I found and like it's called "Sons of Odin." This song is by the band Manowar, but so far I haven't really found any others I like. Also the reason for putting this up was that it was requested of me to put on my blog. I hope you people enjoy it! :) I for one love the tune. I like the deep bass guitarXD. The only part I don't like about the song it self is that the main singer, he screams a couple times. I don't really like screaming, but it got his point across. So I'll deal with it :(. That may be the only problem I have with the song, but just so you know I tried to look for a good video of the lyrics and guess what I found! A big heap of people who don't know squat about makin'em. So I apologize for the videos: small lettering, lack of background, speed of slides, and the abrupt ending. The song is actually longer than this, but they cut out a the boring end so the pulled up the jist of it.:( Enjoy!