Thursday, December 30, 2010


Alright I said last post I would tell you about what I got for christmas so here goes.
I got a(n):
Bag of candy
Fancy coat
Shirt that is as long as a dress
And the one and only gift I got that was a toy is a ...Wii !
I got a Wii! Yay!
Yep so I got mostly clothes and a Wii.
Although the Wii was a present to ME from Santa I get the feeling that it was meant for the family and so far everyone has used it. The wii came with two games wii sports which has tennis, baseball, golf, bowling, and boxing. That one is ok, but I find the other disk to be much better. It's called wii sports resort (as in vacation). In that game I can play Kendo, frisbee, golf, bowling, cycling races, skydiving, plane flying, archery, basketball, wakeboarding, jet skiing, canoeing, and table tennis. Plus each game has usually two or three types of that game inside like on bowling you can play a standard game or one with 100 pins. Yeah I find this wii to be pretty awesome. The easiest game for me so far is kendo but they call it swordplay, but it's really kendo. It has three games one is to like wrestling knock your opponent off the ring by whacking them, I am pro at that one (pro class is achieved when you get beyond level 1000, it gives you levels like points on how well you do). Another is Speed Slice where you are next to your opponent and a guy across from you will throw to of the same object. They will land in front of you with an arrow on them pointing, down, up, slant up to the left, slant up to the right, slant down to left, slant down to the right, and with your sword you must do the cut that the arrow indicates and do it faster than the other guy. I am almost pro at that one. The last one is the most fun and it's called Showdown. There are ten ( i think) levels/stages were you go against about 50 people and slash them down till none are left. It's not as hard as it sounds because they only come at you one at a time. I am pro at this one and I have gotten to the final stage but I haven't beaten it yet :( . I have played every game on there and have unlocked more and played them but I haven't unlocked everything so technically I haven't played everything. The Hardest game on there, I believe, is Basketball. That thing frustrates me to no end. On the first game it's the 3 point game where you go around the 3 point line trying to make as many shots as possible. There are 5 point to go to with 5 or 6 basketballs at each one. And my highscore? is 9. Yeah I have problems making shots. Although almost everytime I'll hit the backboard or the rim, but it rarely goes in. Ok so now that you know I was too preoccupied with my christmas gift to blog anything I'll end my post right here. Have a Happy New Year (it's in 2 days, Saturday)
THE END! Go home now!
Your Friend,

Chibi Ulquiorra!

Ok sorry i haven't blogged in a while but Christmas was really busy at my house. I'll have a post about what I got for Christmas later though. First here is a post about Ulquiorra (mind you these are all fanbased pictures and probably wouldn't EVER happen in the manga or anime) first picture is my very favorite one of him it is supposed to be funny because ulquiorra's sword transformation name is "murcielago" and for anyone who knows spanish that means "bat" as in the flying animal not the stick.
Yep I find it very funny how cute he looks and how much it actually fits. I also think his helmet looks like cat ears instead of bat ears. Ok on to the next picture here we go.

I find this picture super cute! XDhahahahahaha He looks just like a little kid with a lolipop. Except for the weird coloring and weird clothes. His blank stare is so cute like you just caught him doing something. I have no idea why he's sitting on a box though. Ok, Next.

Alright I find this very funny because they are making fun of the fact he has a whole in his stomach. And because ulquiorra always thinks he is better than the guy with bubble stomach. By the way his name is Grimmjow and he has anger issues. One other thing I find hilarious about this picture is that ulquiorra looks so concentrated on it it's funny. HAHAHAHA! Ok on to the next photo.

Here is another one of him blowing bubbles. I think he looks cute blowing bubbles and he looks like he's having fun doing it. I think him and bubbles are a good match. Ok, Next.
Ok I just have to say he looks so cute being so tiny. The kanji (japanese writing) in the bottom corner I think means rustling like he is trying to walk around and making noise. I like the expression on here to because that would probably be his reaction to something like this. I don't know if this is trying to say he shrunk or if this was him at a younger age, don't ask me. On to the next funny.

Here is another picture with a little ulquiorra in it but I find the circumstances rather odd. And again the reaction is to say nothing and stare blankly at the puzzling thing. The problem is in this picture I have no clue what is being said ing kanji only that they are both surprised by this situation. Wouldn't that be a weird present, opening a box and finding a mini you inside. I find that kind of creepy. Any way next picture.

I find this image way cute. He looks like a little demon and he has his sour puss face on I think it's very cute. But I don't think his eyes are really like that but it does make them standout a lot more. Ok, Next.


Ok the reason I put this up here is I am trying to make fun of all the smily faces you get on computers and because this expression is the farthest in the universe from what ulquiorra would actually wear on his face. When I look at this it will always make me laugh so maybe I should put it at the end of my posts. But people would only understand the joke if they knew him.

Well that's all I wanted to put so TATA for now.
THE END! Go home now!
Your Friend,

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chibi Sebastian!

For anyone who does not know in Japanese chibi means little/cute/small/child and if you say "Chibita" it means "I peed my pants" so I think it's funny they associate peeing your pants with children. XD. Anyway now you know what I'm going to show of my favorite character Sebastian. Probably all of these pictures are fan made just so ya know.
So as you can see they are little and very funny. I know someone commented on my "Sebastian" post asking about Grell. Well, This is Grell the one with the red: hair, coat, glasses, and hearts. This is a very good representation of what Sebastian thinks of Grell and visa versa. Now you know why in the "Sebastian" post there is a picture that shows Sebastian about to kill Grell with a chainsaw, and says Grell Sutcliff personal doormat in every occasion.X) The sad part is Sebastian never did get to kill him.X(

As funny as this Picture is, this is not a fan made picture it is actually in both the manga and anime. This hilarious part was when his master's (ciel's) fiance (Elizabeth/Lizzy) suddenly came to his Ciel's mansion and made everything pink and flowery. As I recall she said this to Sebastian before she put that on him. "Your always wearing black, so I thought this color would suit you most."XD HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

And here is Sebastian modeling the perfect >v< face. This shows Sebastian very deep love of cats. X) Sebastian especially loves their paw pads. This is very, very sad because his master Ciel is allergic to cats so Sebastian can't have any. But he still plays with every one he sees and actually hid a lot of them in his closet. XD                                                                                             
And I thought I would put this picture to show most of the characters in they're chibi forms. I will introduce them starting on the left. First the Girl with Red Hair is Maylene the Maid in Ciel's mansion. Above her is Bard (Bardroy) the cook in Ciel's mansion. Third is Finny (Finnian) the Gardner of Ciel's mansion. The three just mentioned all suck at their jobs and are lovable idiots. Below them is the old butler of Ciel's mansion Tanaka(He is very cute and can only stay in adult form for about 2 min. XD). Next them is the guy with white hair Agni, who is the excellent butler of the boy with purple hair next to him. The boy with purple hair is the like 23rd or something prince of India, Soma, and is A TITANIC IDIOT, he is the annoying friend Ciel can't get rid of! Ciel is the one next to Soma he is the man character and very demanding, but smart. You all know the Sebastian is next to Ciel looking awesome ready to kill with that plate. Next to Sebastian is Madam Red she is Ciel's aunt and only family (though she dies later). Next to Madam Red is her butler Grell Sutcliff (Yes that is their natural hair color and Yes they both love red). In the right corner is Lau the man (He has a habit of talking seriously late in a conversation and then saying something like "so what are we talking about?")who is the head of "kun-lun" trading with China and England. Under him is the girl Ran-mao, some say she is his sister, but others just say it's a girl he takes with him everywhere. I am not sure which it is but she is very strong and fast. Lau and Ran-mao are known to be very, very odd that's all I'm going to say. Alright, that is it for this post I don't want to make it to long. So as they say in Japan. Sayonara.
THE END!go home now!
Your friend,

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Alright! I will let everybody know a little secret because I haven't blogged in forever. Sorry X(. Here is the secret.......... my last name is......................HINRICHS!!! XD TA-DA!! Yeah pretty exciting XI. My name is German from my fathers side of course is from Germany my grandfather was pure German. My family even has a Coat of Arms!! I will show it to you for any questions on what it looks like.
I am very sorry for the blurriness but I could not find another size of picture other than small. :( I think it's cool though that it has a knight. But... WHY AM I PART OF A TREE STUMP FAMILY!!! That part kind of gets me down, but at least I have one. Sooo there is the secret everybody gets for me being so bad at updating. Sorry X(.
THE END, go home now!
Your friend,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Alright this is my third favorite manga character and like byakuya he is from the manga Bleach. His name is Ulquiorra Schiffer and he is the most stoic individual I have ever seen. Here like this picture he has almost no feeling or emotion.
See what I mean-_-. Another thing I like about him is that although he has a very short time in the story he is a very major character. Sadly ulquiorra is the bad guy so he doesn't make it but he does help the main character level up. But it was ssooo sad when he died cause he finally didn't seem so mean. Here is a couple of pictures dipicting his death.

You have to read it right to left for the pictures and I don't know if this got big enough so I'll put what they say. First he says "... I'm finally starting to find you guys a little interesting." Then at the bottom he says "Are you scared of my girl?" P.S. he kidnapped her

She says "I'm not scared" and he says "I see."

Here he is thinking the words "This is it.""This here in my hand"
And although it doesn't show it on this page he thinks "The Heart." P.S. He isn't human so he always asked where humans kept their heart (and love) since he is heartless. So this makes it very sad and cute. I also found a cute picture that shows him and the girls with that phrase on it so I'll put it up here.
See I thought it was really cute in the normal clothes and that he had a chocolate heart in his hand. >.<
O.K. now that you know the ending I'll tell you a little more about him. He is called an arrancar (A-Ron-car) which is a hollow (demon)  fused with a shinigami (death god or soul reaper) so that they have a sword and can think on their own. The arrancar are very powerful and they are branded numerically for their strength. 1or 0 being the most powerful and 10 being least. Here is a picture that shows when everybody found out what number he was.
Yes! He is actually only number 4, but I think he should be more like -10!XD Plus another thing this picture shows is that he almost always has his hands in his pockets. X) The next thing I want to show you is that he can level up. Like byakuya and his shikai and bankai, Ulquiorra has his ressurecions.(P.S. for some reason all the demonic things in the t.v. show are usually spoken in Spanish.?)
Here is his first ressurection it's name is Murcielago. Which in English means Bat. As you can see his apperance changes and he gets wings. (P.S. Usually demons when they level up their appearance changes into an animal.)
This is his Ressurecion Segundo (Second ressurection) and it doesn't really have a name. But as you can see he gets all furry like a plush toy.XD Also his helmet is gone and are instead very long ears. I think. OH AND IF YOU ARE WONDERING WHAT THE HOLE IN HIS CHEST IS I'll tell you. Since he is a hollow (demon) he has no heart so therefore there is a hole. All hollows have a hollow have a hole some where but usuall they are different. They could be in an eye, in the stomach, or like him in the chest. 
So that is Ulquiorra. I hope you enjoyed this stoic individual as much as I did. To let me know if liked him or not please comment on it.X) I'll say again I don't care if you don't like him tell me anyway. I'll any questions you have about him too. So please comment. XD
THE END go home now!
Your friend,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Alright! Here is my number 2 favorite character. It's Byakuya Kuchiki. Byakuya Kuchiki is the 28th head of the kuchiki family which is one of the four great noble families of the soul society (where you go when ya die). XD Byakuya is extreeeeeeeeeeeemely hard headed and stuck up, but he is very very powerful. He is the only man so far that I know of that make flowers and pink look good. X) The reason why I say this is because his sword named senbonzakura's (vibrant display of cherry blossoms) shikai can crumble into 100 invisible blades that when caught by the light look like cherry blossoms falling. ^o^ Here is a picture of what I mean.
As you can see byakuya has very long black here and wears kensekan in them. (The silver things that look like curlers.) He wears them along with the scarf and funky gloves to show he is from the Kuchiki family. Byakuya also has a sister that we all think he loves very dearly, but he is never going to show or say that. o_o He's got problems. One problem he has is his philosiphy. His Pride. He will do anything for his pride he thinks it rules over all. I am serious is ego is so huge that he just turns and knocks over a city. WHAM! there goes Mississippi.

Let's see I'll show you another picture of him this time it will be of his bankai (level up) which I think the beginning is very cool. His bankai is called Senbonzakura Kageoshi (vibrant display of 1,000 cherry blossoms) and I think all it does is get faster and there are a lot more blades. Here is the picture.

So first he points his sword down then he drops it and it falls throught the ground like water.Then in like a hall way about ten on each side of him pop up, very menasing O.O Then he tells them to scatter and they crumble into 1,000 tiny blades that fall to the ground. ^_^. If they weren't about to come and kill you they would be very cute. o_O

But that's not it  he has two more forms. *.* I know your probably sick and tired of hearing (reading) about him but the next two get better and better. The next one he calls his senkei is very cool and he only brings it out if you are at the top of his "To Kill" list. Here is the pic. >.<
Inside see that's a lot of swords, but he doesn't ever use ALL of them at once.-_-
Outside and it's a very very big container
OH But my favorite is his Shukei Hakuteiken (Final Scene White Imperial Sword). Although I think this looks best in a video clip I'm having trouble getting it up here so here is just a ok picture of it. >_>
And there you are. Now you now a little about byakuya kuchiki. I may do some more on him but I have to go. See ya

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Alright! I got a yes so I'll start with my number one favorite manga character. His name is Sebastian Michaelis. He is from Kuroshitsuji (black butler), and he is sooooooooooooo awesome!! Here is a picture of him and his kitchen knives. He has been known to use everything that is handy to him at the moment. His favorite weapons though are kitchen knives.
Sebastian is a demon X) and he is under contract of a 12 year old boy. X( He is a Butler, hence the name black butler. Although this is a special boy. Ciel Phantomhive (the boy) is a nobleman in Victotrian England. Ciel is called "the Queen's Watchdog" and has the duty of disposing of any who break the laws of the underground english society. Ciel is a very mean master but it doesn't seem to affect Sebastian at all. The only thing Sebastian hates are the three other servants who are very dumb and brainless, along with dogs. The only thing Sebastian likes intently are cats, and any kind of them here is a picture of him at the circus playing with the kitty.
Sebastian later said that it was just a play bite and it didn't hurt at all. Another thing about Sebastian is that he is like perfect and all knowing. If he gets shot he will take the bullets out and shoot them at people with his bare gloved hands. He is also known to play the violin and in the anime's second season he plays a great water goblet song. Here is a picture of him on the violin.
Sebastian also loves to smile but I have to say most of the time that is not a good thing. The only time he smiles and it's a good thing is sometimes to his master Ciel. OH, and I missed one other thing he doesn't like. It's shinigami (death gods) in perticular a certain one name Grell Sutcliff who is the worst person in the manga. Here is a picture of him finishing fighting with him.
Also I wanted to put one more picture up that I like of him. This only happened in the anime episodes in the second season but it is the only time I have seen him use a gun before. I also love the caption it says under it. X) ^O^ "o" O_O Happy day!
THE END! Oh and he is so funny! Here is an update so far of what is going on in Kuroshitsuji. The manga is ongoing with 49 chapters (I loved chapter 49!). The anime is finished with seasons one and two. Personally I didn't like it as much as the manga because it changed A LOT of things around. So this is really the end.
GO HOME NOW! Your friend,

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Manga characters?

SO MUCH YARD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BBLAAAAAAHH!! I hate gardening but today I had to do a whole freakin' ton of it .U_U lets just say it sucked really bad. But I did get $20 for it. $) money grubber. Now that I have told you how much I hated gardening today I will get back to this post. hhhhmmmm. I don't know what to blog about. hhhhmmm. CRAP.X( come on brain think (SMACK) How about I tell you about all my favorite manga characters. Yes? No? If you want me to please say a comment of :Yes, or NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!...... Just kidding. no would be just fine. So please tell me!   
Your friend,

Saturday, October 2, 2010

If Poem

I was given this If poem to memorize which I have finished doing and as I memorized it I got the message that was hidden in it. I find this poem to be a very good one and hope that others enjoy it too. It is called the "IF" poem by Ruyard Kipling, so it is a classic. I find the best results for understanding it come when it is read slowly. So I will type it down for you from my memory. Please comment on it. *o*

If you can keep your head when all about you
are losing theirs and blaming it on you
If you can trust your self when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too
If you can wait and not be tired of waiting
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies
Or being hated, don't give way to hating
Nor look too good, nor talk too wise

If you can dream and not make dreams your master
If you can think and not make thoughts your aim
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treet those two imposters just the same
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools
If you can watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn out tools

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
and risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
and lose, and start again at your beginnings
And not breath a word about your loss
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
to serve your turn long after they are gone
and so hold on when there is nothing in you
except the will that says to them "Hold On"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue
Or walk with kings nor lose the common touch
If neither foe or loving friend can hurt you
If all men count with you, but none too much
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
with sixty seconds worth of distance run
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it
And -which is more- you'll be a man my son.

THE END go home now! Your friend,

Metallica - Enter Sandman Lyrics

Alright! Here's the third one. Enter Sandman by Metallica. Once again please comment on this, and I don't care if you don't like it just say so. I like to find amvs with this song, and it actually gives me pretty good results. My favorite amv of this song is Bleach Ichigo vs Ulquiorra AMV - Enter Sandman but I first heard it with Bleach AMV-Byakuya vs Kouga (Kuchiki's revenge). If you can't tell by now The fight of Byakuya vs Kouga is one of my favorites. Byakuya himself is one of my favorites as well. But this time is just the same as the others and will only have the lyrics. I don't know how everybody feels about anime and manga on this blog so I won't put up any unless someone asks for it. Oh and last thing there is a new movie coming out that's called "my soul to take" and I could so picture this song in there because that line comes up in it, although I will not see the movie because it is rated R. Alright! please comment X)                                           Your Friend -Finnian

Seether Remedy lyrics video

Alright! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I was very busy. I have now thought that with just my favorite song up there and my new song it didn't seem quite complete so I'm going to put my other two favorite songs up there and see what everybody says about them. First is Remedy by Seether. I like to listen to this song in the morning while I'm biking. I really like the rythm in this song, but I repeat do not look up the guy or the original video the plays this. They are both creepy and ugly. o_0. and that's final. Please comment on this post to tell me your almighty thoughts, and please I don't care if you badmouth it. It's just a song, give me your honest opinion.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

tobyMac - Ignition - with Lyrics

I found this song while I was surfing Youtube. I think it goes well with many cartoons and anime. I love the rythm in this song, and that's usually what makes me like a song. This song doesn't cuss, and it only has the lyrics. But I like it just the same, and if you want some background to it just go to Youtube. Although I haven't seen the original video, so don't blame me if it is horrible. ;)  Comment on it please if you like it or not.
Your friend,

Friday, September 24, 2010


If you want a better ending to the story you'll have to comment on it or I won't do it. X( Or you could comment on it anyway that's fine with me.

James the Fish

Alright it's a beautiful day today on September 24th. I have already posted today, but I thought that maybe my post was lonely. So to not hurt its feelings I am going to post this one too. I don't really understand the reason by why I thought this but just as well I'll do it anyway. This time I think I will contribute this post to fish. The schools' many wonderful colors in the bottom of the ocean have caught my mind. To help me make a good picture for you guys, I am going to upload a picture of a school of fish. Then maybe you will see what I am talking about.
Now that it is here I am going to tell you a story about the blue one. This is James and he is what I'd like to call a bouncy ball in a hay stack. James's blue scales are the reason obviously for why he is called this. His black stripes are also a reason too, but not as prominently. Now for the rest of the school, since they all look the same I will call them the Gills family. The Gills' silver scales make James stick out a lot. But altogether the fishes' glimmer is very bright with James as the eye. Unlike moose's fur, or any other animal skins, fish scales are by far the more pretty even if there is one that does not fit. James always thought this way, so he always went and swam with the Gills family. But the Gills didn't think that was right. They said to him "James do you think the fault is ours that this school doesn't look perfect?" James didn't know why they asked this of him, but he answered saying, "No, and this is a great school. Many other schools' glimmers are far worse than ours." The Gills thought about that answer, and they decided James could stay swimming with them. The next day, as the school was feeding near the surface, a fishing boat came and caught some of the fish in the school including James. The boat saw James in the midst of all the silver fish and knew to fish there. This is why I call James a bouncy ball in a hay stack. Because if you shake a hay stack eventually the bouncy ball will be seen and fall out along with some blades of grass. THE END I think this is a big enough post, the old won't be lonely now. By the way I made this all up so don't go quoting it or something cause it is fiction. 8). So until next time.
Your friend,

Who Am I?

Well, I thought it would just be fun to see what would happen if I didn't start right of the bat with this post. '_' Meh, nothing really happened. So here's the story. Let's see, um, I hate everything girly including: pink, frills, giggles, and freakin Twilight CRAP!!XC. Man I don't see what girls like about that crud it's disgusting and filthy. Bleh XP But one thing I do like is baby animals XD. The can be so hilarious sometimes and that's why I have a daily picture of baby animals here on my blog. Oh, and I could kill for chocolate. o_O. So if you like me give me chocolate and I will be happy as long as you keep within one rule.....NO FILTHY DISGUSTING PUTRID NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no nut on earth that I don't hate they are so gross they make me want to hurl. X(, and I don't care what you say all you vermin nut loving people. They won't get any praise from me. OoO. Plus don't get it wrong I don't hate people that like nuts, because one of them is my mother, I just hate the nuts themselves. ^_^.  Anyway that kind of went off topic, but here's some things that I find enjoying and pleasurable: my favorite color is blue, my favorite american tv show is either invader zim or something like criminal minds, my favorite movie is probably the new Clash of the Titans movie cause I like greek mythology, my favorite book is The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan for the same reason, and my favorite thing to do in my spare time is be on the computer, which is ironic to this situation because it is on the computer. O_O wow that's actually kind of sad.  But I don't play videogames and only a few computer games so I don't think the computer chip inside my brain has fully taken over yet, and I haven't become one with the computer. So it looks like I still have a slight ray of a life. Just kidding. I am actually very active, and I love to play sports. Currently I am a USFA fencer. I have played 6 years of soccer two of which were competition soccer, but they got on me about being commited to it and asking me not to have a life other than soccer and school so I had to leave. It was one of the funest things I have done in my life, but not THE funest. I also enjoy reading, but not excessively. So that pretty much sums me up. I guess. *_*.  Now all you need to do is add a tiny little comment and I will be set to vanish off the face of the earth. Q_Q. JUST KIDDING. But a comment would make me very happy you all. So until next time.
Your friend, 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Finny's note

As I said in the last post this is my favorite song and I just thought I would upload it for everyone to see. It has the lyrics in it, but sadly it doesn't have any fun images.

Simple Plan- Me Against The World Lyrics

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First Post- Favorite songs

Alright! This is my first post so I hope it goes well. I decided I would talk about my favorite songs and I have a lot of them and none of them cuss. But be warned that if you don't like rock or heavy metal rock these songs are not for you! The first one would probably be Me Against the World by Simple Plan. Anyone heard of them? I think it is a great song because the singers voice actually sounded old in this one. In some of their songs they sound kind of childish. They even have a song called Just a Kid. Lets see my 2nd would be Remedy by Seether. I love this one mainly because they have great accents that go along with the lyrics. The lyrics for it though are a little confusing and don't see the original video for it because the vocalist is super ugly and really weird. Now, the 3rd would be Sandman by Metallica. This song always helps me fall asleep at night (being sarcastic). They have great rhythm in this song that can be very mysterious. I haven't actually seen the original music video for this but I know the song itself is awesome. Well that's it for now. I hope I did ok. : P
Hello World!