Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Alright! Here is my number 2 favorite character. It's Byakuya Kuchiki. Byakuya Kuchiki is the 28th head of the kuchiki family which is one of the four great noble families of the soul society (where you go when ya die). XD Byakuya is extreeeeeeeeeeeemely hard headed and stuck up, but he is very very powerful. He is the only man so far that I know of that make flowers and pink look good. X) The reason why I say this is because his sword named senbonzakura's (vibrant display of cherry blossoms) shikai can crumble into 100 invisible blades that when caught by the light look like cherry blossoms falling. ^o^ Here is a picture of what I mean.
As you can see byakuya has very long black here and wears kensekan in them. (The silver things that look like curlers.) He wears them along with the scarf and funky gloves to show he is from the Kuchiki family. Byakuya also has a sister that we all think he loves very dearly, but he is never going to show or say that. o_o He's got problems. One problem he has is his philosiphy. His Pride. He will do anything for his pride he thinks it rules over all. I am serious is ego is so huge that he just turns and knocks over a city. WHAM! there goes Mississippi.

Let's see I'll show you another picture of him this time it will be of his bankai (level up) which I think the beginning is very cool. His bankai is called Senbonzakura Kageoshi (vibrant display of 1,000 cherry blossoms) and I think all it does is get faster and there are a lot more blades. Here is the picture.

So first he points his sword down then he drops it and it falls throught the ground like water.Then in like a hall way about ten on each side of him pop up, very menasing O.O Then he tells them to scatter and they crumble into 1,000 tiny blades that fall to the ground. ^_^. If they weren't about to come and kill you they would be very cute. o_O

But that's not it  he has two more forms. *.* I know your probably sick and tired of hearing (reading) about him but the next two get better and better. The next one he calls his senkei is very cool and he only brings it out if you are at the top of his "To Kill" list. Here is the pic. >.<
Inside see that's a lot of swords, but he doesn't ever use ALL of them at once.-_-
Outside and it's a very very big container
OH But my favorite is his Shukei Hakuteiken (Final Scene White Imperial Sword). Although I think this looks best in a video clip I'm having trouble getting it up here so here is just a ok picture of it. >_>
And there you are. Now you now a little about byakuya kuchiki. I may do some more on him but I have to go. See ya

1 comment:

  1. Nooooooooooooooooo I still want to see Mississippi!! T.T Ah well. One less river in the world won't hurt much...

    He sounds pretty cool! :D
