Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Alright this is my third favorite manga character and like byakuya he is from the manga Bleach. His name is Ulquiorra Schiffer and he is the most stoic individual I have ever seen. Here like this picture he has almost no feeling or emotion.
See what I mean-_-. Another thing I like about him is that although he has a very short time in the story he is a very major character. Sadly ulquiorra is the bad guy so he doesn't make it but he does help the main character level up. But it was ssooo sad when he died cause he finally didn't seem so mean. Here is a couple of pictures dipicting his death.

You have to read it right to left for the pictures and I don't know if this got big enough so I'll put what they say. First he says "... I'm finally starting to find you guys a little interesting." Then at the bottom he says "Are you scared of my girl?" P.S. he kidnapped her

She says "I'm not scared" and he says "I see."

Here he is thinking the words "This is it.""This here in my hand"
And although it doesn't show it on this page he thinks "The Heart." P.S. He isn't human so he always asked where humans kept their heart (and love) since he is heartless. So this makes it very sad and cute. I also found a cute picture that shows him and the girls with that phrase on it so I'll put it up here.
See I thought it was really cute in the normal clothes and that he had a chocolate heart in his hand. >.<
O.K. now that you know the ending I'll tell you a little more about him. He is called an arrancar (A-Ron-car) which is a hollow (demon)  fused with a shinigami (death god or soul reaper) so that they have a sword and can think on their own. The arrancar are very powerful and they are branded numerically for their strength. 1or 0 being the most powerful and 10 being least. Here is a picture that shows when everybody found out what number he was.
Yes! He is actually only number 4, but I think he should be more like -10!XD Plus another thing this picture shows is that he almost always has his hands in his pockets. X) The next thing I want to show you is that he can level up. Like byakuya and his shikai and bankai, Ulquiorra has his ressurecions.(P.S. for some reason all the demonic things in the t.v. show are usually spoken in Spanish.?)
Here is his first ressurection it's name is Murcielago. Which in English means Bat. As you can see his apperance changes and he gets wings. (P.S. Usually demons when they level up their appearance changes into an animal.)
This is his Ressurecion Segundo (Second ressurection) and it doesn't really have a name. But as you can see he gets all furry like a plush toy.XD Also his helmet is gone and are instead very long ears. I think. OH AND IF YOU ARE WONDERING WHAT THE HOLE IN HIS CHEST IS I'll tell you. Since he is a hollow (demon) he has no heart so therefore there is a hole. All hollows have a hollow have a hole some where but usuall they are different. They could be in an eye, in the stomach, or like him in the chest. 
So that is Ulquiorra. I hope you enjoyed this stoic individual as much as I did. To let me know if liked him or not please comment on it.X) I'll say again I don't care if you don't like him tell me anyway. I'll any questions you have about him too. So please comment. XD
THE END go home now!
Your friend,


  1. So, this is a comment sort of from a stranger; I'm one of the moderators on the Falcon Forum.

    Anyway, Ulquiorra is one of my favorite characters as well. My other favorites are Byakuya and Yoruichi. I used to like Aizen, but then he became a lame-o overpowered villain. XD

    Also, you should join www.clubbleach.org
    It has some pretty awesome discussions about Bleach and various other anime/manga.

    If you do join that site, add Lotus.Memoirs as your referrer.


  2. I always thought he was a good guy... but then again, I don't watch/read Bleach.... I'm thinking about it, though! :) He seemed like a good guy from what I saw on YouTube, Shelfari groups, and whatever. :P Ah well. :) Bad guys are always the best, right? :D
