Thursday, December 30, 2010


Alright I said last post I would tell you about what I got for christmas so here goes.
I got a(n):
Bag of candy
Fancy coat
Shirt that is as long as a dress
And the one and only gift I got that was a toy is a ...Wii !
I got a Wii! Yay!
Yep so I got mostly clothes and a Wii.
Although the Wii was a present to ME from Santa I get the feeling that it was meant for the family and so far everyone has used it. The wii came with two games wii sports which has tennis, baseball, golf, bowling, and boxing. That one is ok, but I find the other disk to be much better. It's called wii sports resort (as in vacation). In that game I can play Kendo, frisbee, golf, bowling, cycling races, skydiving, plane flying, archery, basketball, wakeboarding, jet skiing, canoeing, and table tennis. Plus each game has usually two or three types of that game inside like on bowling you can play a standard game or one with 100 pins. Yeah I find this wii to be pretty awesome. The easiest game for me so far is kendo but they call it swordplay, but it's really kendo. It has three games one is to like wrestling knock your opponent off the ring by whacking them, I am pro at that one (pro class is achieved when you get beyond level 1000, it gives you levels like points on how well you do). Another is Speed Slice where you are next to your opponent and a guy across from you will throw to of the same object. They will land in front of you with an arrow on them pointing, down, up, slant up to the left, slant up to the right, slant down to left, slant down to the right, and with your sword you must do the cut that the arrow indicates and do it faster than the other guy. I am almost pro at that one. The last one is the most fun and it's called Showdown. There are ten ( i think) levels/stages were you go against about 50 people and slash them down till none are left. It's not as hard as it sounds because they only come at you one at a time. I am pro at this one and I have gotten to the final stage but I haven't beaten it yet :( . I have played every game on there and have unlocked more and played them but I haven't unlocked everything so technically I haven't played everything. The Hardest game on there, I believe, is Basketball. That thing frustrates me to no end. On the first game it's the 3 point game where you go around the 3 point line trying to make as many shots as possible. There are 5 point to go to with 5 or 6 basketballs at each one. And my highscore? is 9. Yeah I have problems making shots. Although almost everytime I'll hit the backboard or the rim, but it rarely goes in. Ok so now that you know I was too preoccupied with my christmas gift to blog anything I'll end my post right here. Have a Happy New Year (it's in 2 days, Saturday)
THE END! Go home now!
Your Friend,

Chibi Ulquiorra!

Ok sorry i haven't blogged in a while but Christmas was really busy at my house. I'll have a post about what I got for Christmas later though. First here is a post about Ulquiorra (mind you these are all fanbased pictures and probably wouldn't EVER happen in the manga or anime) first picture is my very favorite one of him it is supposed to be funny because ulquiorra's sword transformation name is "murcielago" and for anyone who knows spanish that means "bat" as in the flying animal not the stick.
Yep I find it very funny how cute he looks and how much it actually fits. I also think his helmet looks like cat ears instead of bat ears. Ok on to the next picture here we go.

I find this picture super cute! XDhahahahahaha He looks just like a little kid with a lolipop. Except for the weird coloring and weird clothes. His blank stare is so cute like you just caught him doing something. I have no idea why he's sitting on a box though. Ok, Next.

Alright I find this very funny because they are making fun of the fact he has a whole in his stomach. And because ulquiorra always thinks he is better than the guy with bubble stomach. By the way his name is Grimmjow and he has anger issues. One other thing I find hilarious about this picture is that ulquiorra looks so concentrated on it it's funny. HAHAHAHA! Ok on to the next photo.

Here is another one of him blowing bubbles. I think he looks cute blowing bubbles and he looks like he's having fun doing it. I think him and bubbles are a good match. Ok, Next.
Ok I just have to say he looks so cute being so tiny. The kanji (japanese writing) in the bottom corner I think means rustling like he is trying to walk around and making noise. I like the expression on here to because that would probably be his reaction to something like this. I don't know if this is trying to say he shrunk or if this was him at a younger age, don't ask me. On to the next funny.

Here is another picture with a little ulquiorra in it but I find the circumstances rather odd. And again the reaction is to say nothing and stare blankly at the puzzling thing. The problem is in this picture I have no clue what is being said ing kanji only that they are both surprised by this situation. Wouldn't that be a weird present, opening a box and finding a mini you inside. I find that kind of creepy. Any way next picture.

I find this image way cute. He looks like a little demon and he has his sour puss face on I think it's very cute. But I don't think his eyes are really like that but it does make them standout a lot more. Ok, Next.


Ok the reason I put this up here is I am trying to make fun of all the smily faces you get on computers and because this expression is the farthest in the universe from what ulquiorra would actually wear on his face. When I look at this it will always make me laugh so maybe I should put it at the end of my posts. But people would only understand the joke if they knew him.

Well that's all I wanted to put so TATA for now.
THE END! Go home now!
Your Friend,