Friday, September 24, 2010

Who Am I?

Well, I thought it would just be fun to see what would happen if I didn't start right of the bat with this post. '_' Meh, nothing really happened. So here's the story. Let's see, um, I hate everything girly including: pink, frills, giggles, and freakin Twilight CRAP!!XC. Man I don't see what girls like about that crud it's disgusting and filthy. Bleh XP But one thing I do like is baby animals XD. The can be so hilarious sometimes and that's why I have a daily picture of baby animals here on my blog. Oh, and I could kill for chocolate. o_O. So if you like me give me chocolate and I will be happy as long as you keep within one rule.....NO FILTHY DISGUSTING PUTRID NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no nut on earth that I don't hate they are so gross they make me want to hurl. X(, and I don't care what you say all you vermin nut loving people. They won't get any praise from me. OoO. Plus don't get it wrong I don't hate people that like nuts, because one of them is my mother, I just hate the nuts themselves. ^_^.  Anyway that kind of went off topic, but here's some things that I find enjoying and pleasurable: my favorite color is blue, my favorite american tv show is either invader zim or something like criminal minds, my favorite movie is probably the new Clash of the Titans movie cause I like greek mythology, my favorite book is The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan for the same reason, and my favorite thing to do in my spare time is be on the computer, which is ironic to this situation because it is on the computer. O_O wow that's actually kind of sad.  But I don't play videogames and only a few computer games so I don't think the computer chip inside my brain has fully taken over yet, and I haven't become one with the computer. So it looks like I still have a slight ray of a life. Just kidding. I am actually very active, and I love to play sports. Currently I am a USFA fencer. I have played 6 years of soccer two of which were competition soccer, but they got on me about being commited to it and asking me not to have a life other than soccer and school so I had to leave. It was one of the funest things I have done in my life, but not THE funest. I also enjoy reading, but not excessively. So that pretty much sums me up. I guess. *_*.  Now all you need to do is add a tiny little comment and I will be set to vanish off the face of the earth. Q_Q. JUST KIDDING. But a comment would make me very happy you all. So until next time.
Your friend, 

1 comment:

  1. COOL BLOG! lol. I should try something.... hmmm. lol. see yah!
