Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chibi Sebastian!

For anyone who does not know in Japanese chibi means little/cute/small/child and if you say "Chibita" it means "I peed my pants" so I think it's funny they associate peeing your pants with children. XD. Anyway now you know what I'm going to show of my favorite character Sebastian. Probably all of these pictures are fan made just so ya know.
So as you can see they are little and very funny. I know someone commented on my "Sebastian" post asking about Grell. Well, This is Grell the one with the red: hair, coat, glasses, and hearts. This is a very good representation of what Sebastian thinks of Grell and visa versa. Now you know why in the "Sebastian" post there is a picture that shows Sebastian about to kill Grell with a chainsaw, and says Grell Sutcliff personal doormat in every occasion.X) The sad part is Sebastian never did get to kill him.X(

As funny as this Picture is, this is not a fan made picture it is actually in both the manga and anime. This hilarious part was when his master's (ciel's) fiance (Elizabeth/Lizzy) suddenly came to his Ciel's mansion and made everything pink and flowery. As I recall she said this to Sebastian before she put that on him. "Your always wearing black, so I thought this color would suit you most."XD HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

And here is Sebastian modeling the perfect >v< face. This shows Sebastian very deep love of cats. X) Sebastian especially loves their paw pads. This is very, very sad because his master Ciel is allergic to cats so Sebastian can't have any. But he still plays with every one he sees and actually hid a lot of them in his closet. XD                                                                                             
And I thought I would put this picture to show most of the characters in they're chibi forms. I will introduce them starting on the left. First the Girl with Red Hair is Maylene the Maid in Ciel's mansion. Above her is Bard (Bardroy) the cook in Ciel's mansion. Third is Finny (Finnian) the Gardner of Ciel's mansion. The three just mentioned all suck at their jobs and are lovable idiots. Below them is the old butler of Ciel's mansion Tanaka(He is very cute and can only stay in adult form for about 2 min. XD). Next them is the guy with white hair Agni, who is the excellent butler of the boy with purple hair next to him. The boy with purple hair is the like 23rd or something prince of India, Soma, and is A TITANIC IDIOT, he is the annoying friend Ciel can't get rid of! Ciel is the one next to Soma he is the man character and very demanding, but smart. You all know the Sebastian is next to Ciel looking awesome ready to kill with that plate. Next to Sebastian is Madam Red she is Ciel's aunt and only family (though she dies later). Next to Madam Red is her butler Grell Sutcliff (Yes that is their natural hair color and Yes they both love red). In the right corner is Lau the man (He has a habit of talking seriously late in a conversation and then saying something like "so what are we talking about?")who is the head of "kun-lun" trading with China and England. Under him is the girl Ran-mao, some say she is his sister, but others just say it's a girl he takes with him everywhere. I am not sure which it is but she is very strong and fast. Lau and Ran-mao are known to be very, very odd that's all I'm going to say. Alright, that is it for this post I don't want to make it to long. So as they say in Japan. Sayonara.
THE END!go home now!
Your friend,

1 comment:

  1. Chibita?! XD

    Something interesting I found out a while ago: Sebastian's voice actor is the same person that plays Jack from Pandora Hearts! :D Haha, they're almost exact opposites, based on what I know of Jack! XD
