Saturday, March 5, 2011

Manowar - Sons of Odin

Hello! Sorry, sorry! I haven't blogged in FOREVER. Gomen,Gomen.(just wrote sorry in japanese). XD so glad to be back. Anyway the video I put up is one a new heavy metal sons I found and like it's called "Sons of Odin." This song is by the band Manowar, but so far I haven't really found any others I like. Also the reason for putting this up was that it was requested of me to put on my blog. I hope you people enjoy it! :) I for one love the tune. I like the deep bass guitarXD. The only part I don't like about the song it self is that the main singer, he screams a couple times. I don't really like screaming, but it got his point across. So I'll deal with it :(. That may be the only problem I have with the song, but just so you know I tried to look for a good video of the lyrics and guess what I found! A big heap of people who don't know squat about makin'em. So I apologize for the videos: small lettering, lack of background, speed of slides, and the abrupt ending. The song is actually longer than this, but they cut out a the boring end so the pulled up the jist of it.:( Enjoy!

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